Thursday, June 07, 2007

Bangkok to Chiang Mai

We got into Bangkok's awesome new airport late at
night and got a cab to our hotel. The concierge was
very nice (told Lisa how beautiful she was) and our
reservation was all prepared - here is where I plug - and our room was great - nothing
special, but clean and cheap.

The hotel had a taxi waiting to take us to the airport
when we got downstairs - about 45 minutes earlier than
we'd told them - apparently cab ride to the airport
comes with our room rate...

Spent some extra time at the airport - ate first Thai
noodle dish and went to Starbucks - scoff if you will,
but the Thai seem to think that all the fareng want to
drink instant coffee and I'll choose Starbucks any

Thai Airways plane was fantastic - gorgeous multi
colored seats. I'd have laughed at the idea of a
"beautiful airplane", but seeing is believing. Flight
to Chiang Mai was uneventful.

First snafu of the trip - my ATM card doesn't want to
work, so until we sort that out, Lisa is my "sugar
momma" ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, the old my ATM card won't work excuse. HA! Actually last year when Matt was in Spain our bank called me at work to see if he was out of the country or if the card had been stolen. I assured them that he was in Spain and would be for the next few weeks. I believe that solved the problem. We had never had that problem when we traveled internationally before. I guess banks are being more careful these days. You might have your mother call your bank to let then know where you are. Hope you get it straighted out. _Sara